About Airton:

As an experienced digital marketing professional from Meta(Facebook), with academic data science accredidation and projects under his belt, Airton is able to bring together a proven track record of customer obsession, digital product measurement, ownership, and marketing with the intellectual rigor of computational statistics and decision theory inherent to his Data Science coursework. This blended experience places him in a unique position to merge theory and real world application across disciplines, enabling him to serve as an empathetic liaison between analytics and business teams capable of partnering crossfuntionally to catalyze revenue growth and customer satisfaction. Project samples can be found here.

Data Visualization: plotly, matplotlib, tableau, seaborn
Coding: python (numpy, scipy, pandas, sklearn), git, SQL
Statistical Methods & Modeling:hypothesis testing, Regression/Classification, K-means/DBSCAN clustering, sampling
Machine Learning: feature engineering, NLP, Regularization/Tuning, Time Series, Recommender Systems
Advertising: media planning, measurement, a/b testing, data privacy, search, social, organic, google analytics


1) Digital Nomads
In this project, my objective was to provide new destination recommendations within the US for potential digital nomads at the county level. I use K-means to cluster all of the counties in The US into distinct groups and explore the significance of different silhouette scores and cluster sizes in the process as a potential basis for recommending new regions to potential nomads. Visualizations of the clusters and key data points from each county and cluster can be found in this Tableau Dashboard. Ultimately, since even the best silhouette score was relatively low (.4), the better approach towards making reliable recommendations was through plotting all of the counties along with the 200+ features (gender, diversity, broadband access etc.) associated with each, and using Eucledian distances to return the counties closest to the ones that a user prefers. I deployed this strategy through this Web Application -- feel free to enter your US county and explore! (or try mine: Montgomery County, Maryland).

2) Digital Media Literacy
Digital literacy continues to be a challenging issue in The US, particularly for communities that are not native English speakers, as it can be more difficult for them to pickup the nuances and contextual patterns behind the deluge of social and digital media posts claiming legitimacy, while masking conspiracy theories behind the guise of credible journalism. In this project, I sought to provide an initial layer of defense for these communities by taking inputs from users in the form of text (social media posts, headlines etc.), vectorizing the text, and applying a trained Natural Language Processing model to classify the given post/headline as something that either resembles thousands of other credible news media posts, or rather conspirary theory posts that have been pulled and analysed through Reddit's PushShift API. Along with the initial classification, the model also outputs the probability behind its determination, providing users with this additional datapoints to inform further investigation into the credibility of a post or headline -- click here to explore my NLP Web Application

3) Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Media Partnership
The case study linked above highlights the result of the partnership that Airton guided for 20 months as a Partner Manager at Meta(Facebook). In this partnership, Airton managed Meta's advertising relationship with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the Covid-19 Pandemic, helping the company and US government respond to the public health crisis by promoting the presence of accurate health information across the united states through Meta platforms. Airton, the Ad Council, and the CDC ultimately served billions of impressions to over 80% of the US population, and after designing measurement approaches to quantify the impact of this effort, this case study was published to highlight key results from a few of the campaigns Airton designed, showcasing a 3 point increase in 18 - 34 year olds' willingess to wear masks, and a 2 point increase in this group's perception of the importance of masks at a 99% confidence level, equating to over 4 million people's perceptions being shifted on this topic through the highlighted campaigns alone.

4) Walkability & Air Quality in California
This was a team project using EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and open air quality data to provide guidance to families hoping to relocate to and within the largest metropolitan areas of california. In this project, I wrangled EPA data, concatenated this with air quality data pulled through an open API maintained by a company called Purple Air, and I used Python(Pandas, Plotly, Matplotlib) to clean the data, visualize the correlations between different factors (employment rate, density etc.) and the patterns/trends observable accross these key features in the concatenated dataset. Our team of data analyst then developed and evaluated a set of regression models that predict the Air Quality of the Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Francisco throughout the year based on the most highly correlated features (income, temperature etc.).

5) Facebook Dynamic Ads
The case study linked above highlights the result of Airton's partnership with several businesses accross the Travel Industry, where he unlocked a new level of product adoption for the company's most profitable advertising product. Airton identified a gap in product adoption, namely tied to a lack of data being shared across the marketing funnel, he directed customer surveys and product analysis to confirm his hypothesis, and identified key players in industry that could help him and Facebook address the blocker in product adoption. In partnership with a digital media agency, and a booking engine company, Airton was able to build a small case for these partners to expand the reach and application of Facebook's pixel and Dynamic Ads to their heavily trafficed domains, demonstrating the potential value add for each of these partners along the way. Having proven success at a small scale, Airton partnered with team leads, PMs and PMMs to launch the public case study linked above and provide a model for the rest of the industry to unlock this key product, opening up $10+ million dollar a year in revenue for Facebook, as the expanded usage of the Facebook Pixel and Dynamic Ads products helped dozens of businesses achieve results such as the ones noted in this case study -- 50x return on ad spend, 82% decrease in cost per transaction. The study was published here by the proud clients as well.


1) Digital Literacy Application:

This Application promotes digital media literacy in communities that are less familiar with english. The app scrapes over 5000 posts from the r/worldnews subreddit and r/conspiracy subreddit, vectorizes the text, and trains a Naïve Bayes model on these posts to identify linguistic patterns behind credible news post/headlines and those that are more likely to be stemming from conspiracy theories. The app then takes in new inputs from users and predicts a classification based on the NLP model's training, returning a probability for either class predicted.

2) Digital Nomads Application:

This Application recommends new destinations in the United States for potential digital nomads. It plots 3141 US counties and uses Eucledian distances to return a recommendation closest to the one submitted by the user to help them identify a domestic region most similar to county they're already fond of. This App is also accompanied by a public Tableau Dashboard that visualizes key data points (median age, income etc) about each county, and clusters of counties as calculated through K-means clustering with a peak silhouette score of around .4 and cluster size of 49.



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
